The Impact of Technology on Pet Ownership

Technology and modern gadgets have become an essential part of our everyday lives. We use them for work, for entertainment, for keeping in touch with friends and family, and for managing our homes. Technology and the internet are now being used to help us look after our pets too, with a range of apps and tech products designed to help us keep our pets safe, healthy and happy.

Connecting Pet Owners with Vets and Pet Care Professionals

Technology has made it easier than ever to connect pet owners with vets and pet care professionals. There are a growing number of apps and websites which allow pet owners to find local vets, book appointments and get advice on health issues. In New Zealand, there are a number of popular websites such as and Veterinary Consultancy which offer these services. Pet owners can also take advantage of online forums where they can ask questions and get advice from other pet owners. This makes it much easier for pet owners to get the help and advice they need, when they need it.

Pet-Focused Technology Products

Technology is not just helping pet owners connect with professionals. There are now a range of tech products and gadgets designed specifically for pet owners. Popular products include:

  • Activity and location trackers: These devices attach to pets’ collars, allowing pet owners to track their activity levels, location, and keep an eye on their health.
  • Automatic feeders: These devices allow pet owners to schedule meals and portion sizes, as well as monitor their pet’s food consumption.
  • Automatic litter boxes: These boxes use sensors to detect when cats need to go, and can be programmed to self-clean.
  • Smart cameras: These cameras allow pet owners to keep an eye on their pets when they’re away from home.

These tech products offer convenience and peace of mind for pet owners, making pet ownership easier and less stressful.

Online Shopping for Pet Supplies

Online shopping has revolutionised the pet supply industry. Pet owners can now buy food, treats, toys, and other supplies from the comfort of their own homes. Online pet supply businesses such as Barkers,, and Pet Warehouse have made it easier and more convenient for pet owners to get what they need for their pets. With a few clicks of the mouse, pet owners can have their shopping delivered to their door in a matter of days.

Online shopping also offers pet owners more choice than ever before. They can now search for the best prices, compare products, and read reviews before they make a purchase. This makes it easier for pet owners to find the right product for their pet at the right price.

Technology has had a major impact on pet ownership. It has made it easier for pet owners to connect with professionals, purchase pet supplies, and monitor the wellbeing of their pets. With the rapid development of new technology, pet owners can look forward to even more convenience and peace of mind in the years to come.